- 29th - Winter Wonder Lard, Bristol Independent Gaming. svelhlaupr@gmail.com
- 7th - Come and have a go if you think you're Lard enough! Southampton. markbackhouse29@gmail.com
- 25th - Wor Lard, Durham. jlcatchpole@googlemail.com
- 6th - Operation Market Larden, Evesham. adedeacon@gmail.com
- 13th - Deep Fried Lard, Musselburgh, near Edinburgh. dmchodge@gmail.com
- 4th - 4th of Julard, Shrewsbury details tba. svelhlaupr@gmail.com
- 5th - Clotted Lard, Exeter. clotted.lard@gmail.com
- 19th - Ebor Lard, York. jp.savage@btinternet.com
- 4th - Lard in the Netherlands, Arnhem area (optional battlefield tour the day before). larddaynl@gmail.com
- 21st - Steel Lard, Sheffield. steellard@gmail.com