In episode 135 of the Meeples and Miniatures Podcast Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies talks to Neil Schuck about 29 Lets Go!, the first "Pint Sized Campaign" for Chain of Command.
They also chat about what we can expect to see from TFL in 2015, and discuss some aspects of the current state of the
historical wargames hobby.
Lard Magazines' Index Updated for 2023
Download an Excel spreadsheet (xslx) file with an index of all the Lard Magazines and Specials published since they started in 2004. The...

Download an Excel spreadsheet (xslx) file with an index of all the Lard Magazines and Specials published since they started in 2004. The...
Available at Lard Island News, a comprehensive errata and FAQ for Chain of Command.
The Dawns & Departures map tile set is made up of over 100 images designed to drop into the standard 8 by 3 frame of a Sharp Practice ...